How Much Does A Microwave Weigh in Grams? [Guide 2024]

Microwaves have become indispensable in modern kitchens, revolutionizing the way we cook. Yet, one question lingers in the minds of many: How Much Does A Microwave Weigh in Grams? In this detailed guide, we’ll uncover the weighty secrets of microwaves, exploring various aspects to provide you with a complete understanding.

So, Let’s explore.

How Much Does A Microwave Weigh in Grams?

How Much Does A Microwave Weigh in Grams?

Microwaves have become an indispensable appliance in modern kitchens, offering quick and convenient ways to prepare various meals. One might wonder how much these handy devices weigh in grams.

A microwave’s weight can vary depending on its size, features, and materials used in its construction. A standard countertop microwave typically weighs between 10 to 20 kilograms. To convert this to grams, we can multiply the weight in kilograms by 1000 since there are 1000 grams in a kilogram. Therefore, the weight of an average microwave falls within the range of 10,000 to 20,000 grams.

Compact microwaves designed for smaller spaces or specific functionalities may weigh less, ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 grams. These microwaves are lighter and more portable, making them a suitable choice for those with limited kitchen space or individuals who frequently move residences.

In contrast, larger and more advanced microwaves, such as over-the-range or built-in models with additional features like convection cooking or sensor technology, tend to be heavier. These microwaves can weigh anywhere from 20,000 to 30,000 grams or more. The increased weight is often a result of sturdier construction, additional components, and a larger cooking capacity.

It’s essential to consider the weight of a microwave when choosing the right one for your kitchen. Ensure that the designated space can support the weight of the microwave, especially if you plan to install an over-the-range or built-in model. Additionally, if you frequently relocate, opting for a lighter, more portable microwave may be a practical choice.

In short, the weight of a microwave in grams depends on its size, features, and construction. Understanding the weight can help you decide based on your kitchen’s available space and specific cooking needs. Whether you prefer a compact and lightweight model or a more giant, feature-packed microwave, there are options to suit every kitchen and lifestyle.

Now, let’s explore the types of microwaves and their weights.

Types of Microwave Ovens:

How Much Does A Microwave Weigh in Grams?

Microwave ovens have become indispensable in modern kitchens, offering quick and efficient cooking solutions. When delving into the world of microwaves, it’s essential to understand that they come in various types, each catering to specific culinary needs. Let’s explore the diverse categories of microwave ovens available in the market.

1. Solo Microwaves

Solo microwaves, also known as basic microwaves, are ideal for simple cooking tasks. They are designed for reheating, defrosting, and essential cooking functions. With a straightforward interface, these microwaves are user-friendly and perfect for individuals or small families.

2. Grill Microwaves

Grill microwaves combine the features of a solo microwave with an added grilling element. This allows users to brown and crisp food, providing a grilled texture. These microwaves are suitable for those who enjoy the taste of grilled dishes but want the convenience of a microwave.

3. Convection Microwaves

Convection microwaves take cooking versatility to the next level by incorporating a fan and a heating element. This enables them to bake, roast, and brown food items. If you’re looking for an all-in-one appliance that can hold a variety of cooking styles, a convection microwave is a wise choice.

4. Over-the-Range Microwaves

Over-the-range microwaves are designed to save counter space by being installed above the stove. Apart from their space-saving benefits, they often have ventilation features to help eliminate cooking odours. This type suits those seeking a seamless integration of microwave functionality with kitchen design.

5. Countertop Microwaves

Countertop microwaves are the most common and versatile type for any kitchen layout. They come in various sizes and power levels, making them adaptable to different cooking needs. These microwaves are perfect for individuals or families with varying culinary requirements.

Understanding the types of microwaves available allows you to choose the one that best suits your cooking preferences and lifestyle. Now that we’ve explored the variety of microwaves, let’s shift our focus to another practical consideration: the weight of these convenient kitchen appliances.

How Much Does Solo Microwave Weigh?

How Much Does A Microwave Weigh in Grams?

Solo microwaves, renowned for their simplicity and efficiency, come in various sizes and designs, each contributing to a distinct weight profile. These microwaves, dedicated to basic reheating and cooking tasks, are a staple in many households. Let’s delve into the question of how much a solo microwave weighs.

Understanding the weight of a solo microwave is essential when selecting the right one for your kitchen. If you have limited space or plan to move the microwave frequently, opting for a lighter model may be preferable. On the other hand, if you have ample kitchen space and prioritize a larger cooking capacity, a slightly heavier solo microwave might be the right fit for your needs.

The weight of a solo microwave depends on its size and design, with smaller models typically ranging from 10,000 to 15,000 grams, medium-sized ones from 15,000 to 20,000 grams, and larger models exceeding 20,000 grams. This information can guide your decision-making process, ensuring that the solo microwave you choose aligns with your cooking requirements and the available space in your kitchen.

How Much Does Grill Microwave Weight?

How Much Does A Microwave Weigh in Grams?

Grill microwaves, known for their versatility in cooking and browning, exhibit a weight spectrum influenced by their size and functionalities. Let’s explore the weight considerations associated with grill microwaves.

When selecting a grill microwave for your kitchen, understanding its weight can be crucial. If you have limited space or plan to move the microwave frequently, opting for a lighter model might be more practical. Conversely, a slightly heavier grill microwave may align better with your culinary requirements if you prioritise a larger cooking capacity and advanced grilling features.

The weight of a grill microwave is influenced by its size and design, with smaller models typically ranging from 15,000 to 20,000 grams, medium-sized ones from 20,000 to 25,000 grams, and larger models exceeding 25,000 grams. This knowledge empowers consumers to make informed decisions, ensuring that the chosen grill microwave meets the kitchen’s spatial constraints and culinary expectations.

How Much Does Convection Microwave Weight?

How Much Does A Microwave Weigh in Grams?

Convection microwaves, revered for their multifunctionality in baking, roasting, and grilling, exhibit varying weights dictated by their size and features. Delving into the weight dynamics of convection microwaves reveals valuable insights for prospective buyers.

The weight of a convection microwave is contingent on its size and design, with smaller models typically ranging from 20,000 to 25,000 grams, medium-sized ones from 25,000 to 30,000 grams, and larger models exceeding 30,000 grams. With this understanding, customers can make informed decisions, ensuring that the chosen convection microwave harmonizes with spatial considerations and culinary expectations in the kitchen.

How Much Does Over-the-Range Microwave Weigh?

How Much Does A Microwave Weigh in Grams?

Over-the-range microwaves, designed to maximize kitchen space and offer ventilation solutions, vary in weight depending on their size and features. Let’s explore the weight considerations associated with over-the-range microwaves.

The weight of an over-the-range microwave is influenced by its size and design, with smaller models typically ranging from 20,000 to 25,000 grams, medium-sized ones from 25,000 to 30,000 grams, and larger models exceeding 30,000 grams. This knowledge empowers consumers to make informed decisions, ensuring that the chosen over-the-range microwave meets the kitchen’s spatial constraints and functional expectations.

How Much Does Countertop Microwave Weigh?

Countertop microwaves, the ubiquitous kitchen companions admired for their convenience, boast varying weights that hinge on their size and features. Delving into the weight dynamics of countertop microwaves provides valuable insights for those considering this kitchen essential.

Understanding the weight of a countertop microwave is crucial when selecting the right one for your kitchen. If you have limited counter space or plan to relocate the microwave frequently, opting for a lighter model may be practical. Conversely, a slightly heavier countertop microwave may align better with your culinary needs if you prioritise a larger cooking capacity and advanced features.

The weight of a countertop microwave is influenced by its size and design, with smaller models typically ranging from 10,000 to 15,000 grams, medium-sized ones from 15,000 to 20,000 grams, and larger models exceeding 20,000 grams. With this knowledge, consumers can make informed decisions, ensuring that the chosen countertop microwave seamlessly integrates into their kitchen space while meeting their cooking requirements.

Also Read: Is A Buzzing Microwave Dangerous?

Factors Influencing Microwave Weight:

How Much Does A Microwave Weigh in Grams?

Microwaves, those indispensable kitchen companions, come in various shapes and sizes, and understanding their weight involves unravelling a tapestry of factors that contribute to their overall mass. For those who’ve ever wondered why one microwave might feel notably heavier than another, here’s a breakdown of the primary elements influencing their weight:

1. Internal Capacity

The first heavyweight contender in the microwave world is its internal capacity. It’s a simple equation: the larger the microwave, the more significant its cooking space, and consequently, the heavier it becomes. This increase in weight is attributed to the additional materials required for constructing a microwave with a more spacious interior. If you find yourself lugging around a heavier microwave, chances are it’s packing more room for your culinary experiments.

2. Material and Build Quality

The materials used in crafting a microwave wield considerable influence over its weight. Opting for high-quality materials, such as robust stainless steel, may tip the scales a bit, but it’s a weight worth bearing. These materials contribute to the overall mass and ensure durability and longevity. A heavier microwave built with premium materials becomes an investment in performance and endurance, promising to stand the test of time in your kitchen.

3. Additional Features

Enter the contenders with bells and whistles – microwaves boasting advanced features like grill functions, convection cooking, or innovative technology. While these features undeniably elevate the microwave game, they also bring extra weight. The complexity of the internal components required for these functions adds to the overall heft of the appliance. So, if your microwave seems a touch weightier than expected, it might harbour a trove of innovative features that enhance its versatility.

In short, the weight of a microwave is no arbitrary metric; it reflects the design choices made by manufacturers to meet the diverse needs of consumers. Whether it’s a spacious interior, top-notch materials, or cutting-edge features, each factor contributes to the heft of this kitchen essential. So, the next time you heft your microwave onto the countertop, know that its weight tells a story of craftsmanship, innovation, and the promise of delightful culinary adventures.

Why Microwave Weight Matters?

Understanding the weight of a microwave is not just a trivial consideration; it holds practical importance for a variety of reasons:

1. Installation Considerations

The weight of your microwave becomes a pivotal factor, especially if you have specific plans for its installation. Whether you intend to nestle it snugly into an overhead cabinet or designate a particular space for it, knowing its weight is fundamental. This knowledge ensures that the chosen location can safely support the appliance without the risk of structural issues. Installing a microwave that exceeds the weight capacity of its designated space can lead to safety hazards and compromise the integrity of the installation.

2. Portability

For those living a more nomadic lifestyle or individuals who anticipate the need to move or relocate their microwave frequently, opting for a lighter model is a choice that brings practical convenience. This consideration is particularly relevant for individuals in rental properties or those with dynamic living situations. A lighter microwave eases the burden of transport and makes setting up your kitchen in a new space more manageable. So, if you find yourself frequently on the move, the weight of your microwave can significantly impact the ease of your transitions.

3. Countertop Load Capacity

Only some have the luxury of dedicated spaces for microwaves. Understanding its weight is vital to place your microwave on the countertop. Different kitchen counters come with varying load capacities. Exceeding these limits can lead to long-term structural issues. Knowing the weight of your microwave allows you to make an informed decision, ensuring that your countertop can adequately support the appliance. This foresight prevents potential damage to your kitchen infrastructure and contributes to a safer and more functional culinary workspace.

In essence, the weight of a microwave transcends mere numerical information. It’s a critical consideration that directly impacts the practical aspects of its use, from installation safety to portability and countertop compatibility. So, the next time you’re in the market for a microwave, remember that its weight isn’t just a number. It’s a key to unlocking a seamless and safe kitchen experience.

Tips for Choosing the Right Microwave Based on Weight:

How Much Does A Microwave Weigh in Grams?

Now that the importance of microwave weight is on your radar, here are some practical tips to guide you in selecting the perfect microwave for your needs:

1. Evaluate Your Space

Before diving into the vast array of microwaves available, take a moment to assess the available space in your kitchen. Consider the dimensions of the area where you plan to place the microwave. If you have a compact kitchen, a smaller microwave is more suitable, while those with ample space opt for a mid-size or larger model. Tailoring the size of your microwave to your cooking habits and available area ensures a seamless fit in your culinary workspace.

2. Consider Future Moves

If a sense of wanderlust marks your life or if you foresee frequent relocations, factor in the portability of your microwave. Choosing a lighter model makes transporting and installing in different living environments much more manageable. A lighter microwave becomes a practical companion for those who embrace change, ensuring that your trusted kitchen companion effortlessly adapts to new spaces without compromising performance.

3. Balance Features and Weight

While the allure of advanced features can be hard to resist, balancing functionality and weight is crucial. Evaluate the features that align with your specific requirements and cooking preferences. While some microwaves may boast impressive features, their weight may not be ideal for your intended use. Finding the sweet spot between innovative functions and a weight that suits your lifestyle ensures that your microwave enhances your culinary experience without becoming a burden.


Understanding the weight of a microwave in grams involves considering various factors, including type, size, and added features. Whether you opt for a lightweight countertop model or a heavier, feature-packed convection microwave, the key is to find the perfect balance that suits your culinary needs. Now armed with this learning, you can confidently navigate the world of microwaves and choose the one that aligns with your kitchen ambitions.


Can I Place My Microwave Anywhere in the Kitchen?

Absolutely, but ensure proper ventilation. Microwaves generate heat, and adequate airflow is crucial to prevent overheating.

Do Convection Microwaves Weigh More Due to Additional Features?

Yes, the added features contribute to a slightly higher weight. However, the benefits in terms of versatility often outweigh the added pounds.

How much does a 700-watt microwave weigh?

Weighing in at a mere 19.8 lbs, the 700-watt microwave from COMMERCIAL CHEF effortlessly combines power and portability. Ideal for quick meals, it ensures a swift and convenient cooking experience. With its compact design, this microwave is a culinary essential, delivering efficiency without the bulk.

How heavy is a 900-watt microwave?

Tipping the scales at around 30 pounds, a 900-watt microwave perfectly balances power and weight. This kitchen essential efficiently handles various cooking tasks, ensuring convenience without the burden of excessive heft. Upgrade your culinary experience with this powerhouse that promises performance and manageable weight.

Greetings! I’m Mehran Sohal, the author of With a professional background spanning over 12 years, I have gained extensive expertise in dealing with stoves and ovens in both residential and commercial environments.

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